A commercial water filtration system can be the best solution for you if you are concerned about the water quality you have. A commercial water filtration system will improve the water quality, ensuring that it meets industry standards. Although some businesses may use non-potable water for cleaning processes, most want their water to be safe for consumption.
Which Commercial Water Treatment Systems Are Right For Your Business?
When you’re looking for commercial water treatment systems for your business, it can be confusing to know which type is right for your needs. We’ll explore the benefits of reverse osmosis, membrane filtration, ion exchange, and chemical addition, and how each works. To find the best system for your needs, read on! Here are a few tips that will help you make the right decision. And remember, there’s a system for you!
Membrane filtration
There are four main types of membrane filtration systems. These processes are microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis. Each level has a specific pore size range and is used to remove certain sized contaminants. In Figure 1.6, the different filtration processes are shown with their corresponding pore size ranges, gallons per day flux, and Molecular Weight Cut-Off (MWCO) values.…